I have NVLD non-verbal learning disorder, and I only found out about it when I was 46 years old. I have struggled to fit in my whole life, but now I know that can't happen as I planned.
I started a business almost 7 years ago, and this is a major issue while trying to grow it.
It is certainly difficult to realize that you have a learning disorder so late in life, but the important thing is that you now have the tools to better understand yourself and your challenges. With that knowledge and a determined attitude, you can learn how to manage your NVLD and create a successful business.
First, it is important to understand the unique challenges that your NVLD presents and how they can impact your business. For example, nonverbal learning disorder can make it difficult to read social cues, understand visual information, and stay organized. This could affect your ability to communicate and interact effectively with customers, identify and meet customer needs, and stay organized in the workplace.
You can work on overcoming these challenges by finding the right support system, learning new strategies, and developing self-awareness. You can find help from a qualified therapist or coach who is familiar with NVLD and can help you find ways to better manage your disorder. You can also take courses on organizational skills, social skills, and learning strategies to help you become more successful in your business.
Finally, developing self-awareness and a sense of determination can help you make the most of your NVLD. By understanding your strengths and weaknesses, you can focus on areas where you excel and find
ways to improve in areas where you have difficulty. Additionally, setting goals and working hard to achieve them can help you take control of your life and make progress.
Tips that can be helpful:
1. Break down large tasks into smaller, more manageable steps.
2. Set realistic and achievable goals.
3. Ask for help from a tutor or mentor.
4. Monitor and track your progress.
5. Spend time studying, reading, and researching the area you are having difficulty with.
6. Develop a positive attitude and be open to feedback.
7. Practice, practice, practice.
8. Reward yourself for progress made.
9. Identify specific weaknesses and find ways to address them.
10. Visualize success.
Published by James R. Montgomery Sr.
Food By The Word Media
Not professional advice, just some insight from someone living and thriving with Non-verbal learning disorder - NVLD